
What We Do

NLP Pipelines

Efficient and fast pipelines that process huge amounts of data in a timely and reliable fashion, with metrics that provide visibility into data and model drift as well as minimizing cost of cloud services by exploiting various offerings.

From standard NLP operations such as Named Entity Recognition, stemming, and  Parts of Speech tagging, to more complex question answering, topic analysis, relationship extraction and text summarization, we leverage state-of-art machine learning and text mining platforms to provide the highest possible quality models for your specific use case. 

Iot PipeLines

Whether your IoT sensor is passive, and you get a thousand messages per second from your receiver, or it is active and you get a small nudge every 5 to 15 minutes, and whether you just have a few thousand assets you need to overlay on a map or hundreds of thousands of messages that need to be cross-referenced to correctly locate your target, we have been there and done that!

Our experience helps you avoid the common, uncommon, and un-thought-of pitfalls that plague every IoT platform. From the start, we will help you build an infrastructure that is secure, robust, and reliable without breaking the bank. 

We will bring the knowledge and know-how of national and international standards, interoperability requirements, and governmental regulations dominating the atmosphere around IoT solutions, shielding you from having to worry about scale and coverage that would affect your product’s acceptance in the market.

Machine Learning Models

We get to the bottom line of the problem you wish to solve. Perhaps you are trying to trap fraud or target your marketing efforts? Are you trying to estimate or forecast a metric or predict whether an approach would be popular in the future? 

We not only design models for all of that and more, but also make sure are models are transparent, explainable, and measurable. you have complete control over how your model behaves with facilities built-in to know when and with what data to retrain your model if it becomes necessary with data or model drift. 

Crucially, we implement an architecture that allows you to switch platforms, model design, or any other aspect of your AI engine should a better alternative become available in the future, or should your requirements change. and if our experience is any measure, they certainly will change!

Let's Build Your Dreams!

Our business development team will push your product to the next level